Monday, December 1, 2008

Finally, I'm going to Cambridge

After 3 applications and 2 appeals (5 attempts in total) and dozens of 'farewells', I've finally got my UK Visa.

Yes, my friends have thrown in so many farewells for me that they lost count and lost hope. They even suggested having a farewell 'anniversary' for me since my first farewell was in April. Every time I attend a wedding dinner all my friends will stare at me for seconds and then asked, "Why the hell are you still here?". And believe me, that's the most difficult question to answer.

I was suppose to go there in April. So there is delay of 8 months. If I had not resigned from Maxis, I'd have got my stock options this October and then I'll have plenty to invest during this economic low.

But I did many things during this 8 months that I wouldn't have do if I have not resigned. I guess there is reason for everything that happens. As my previous post said, "God work in a mysterious way!".

One of the first things I did was to start this blog. When I was working in Maxis, I was so indulged in work that I did not bother about this thing called blog. I always thought that it would take up a lot of my time (and it did). But setting up my own blog wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. And as a result of this, I've met a lot of new friends. Also, I've become a frequent blog reader these days.

Secondly, I've worked as a part-time lecturer at UTAR, which gave me a glimpse into what a career would be if I ended up as a lecturer at a local university instead of a multi-national corporate.

Thirdly, I've witnessed two losses and one wins for UM debate team, which I played some part in it as one of the member of the coaching team.

I attended 'Kursus Kenegaraan' and understood first-hand what is called a govt. brainwashing session. But the friends I met there are awesome!

I've traveled to Bali and Hong Kong (again) and had a good time.

And most importantly, I've spent more time with all my loved ones.

Thank you to all of you who have been organising these farewells, and supporting me when I was sad over the failed Visa application. Also thank you to Dr. Flack and Penny Patterson from Cambridge and Siew C J for assisting my over the appeal/application with the UK Visa.

Just in case if you ask, my flight is on 6 Jan 2009.


  1. Congratulation, ShinLiang!
    Finally you can go to Cambridge dy! So happy to heard that!

  2. Reading this....still manage to make me teary... =(

  3. 恭喜你终于可以去英国了!

  4. Congratulation.
    Hope u can keep contact with us lar...
    Enjoy UK life again lar...

  5. all the best, hope it will be all good from now on!

  6. congrats! all the best! have a safe journey~!
